Did you like playing with play-doh as a child? Today while preparing small balls with chickpeas I remembered this pastime. I liked to make small animals and stick figures the most. Then when I bought some modelling clay, I hardened them in the oven and gave them to anybody who was interested in them. I think that my grandma had the biggest collection.

Today I played like a child with a very nice and smooth chickpea mixture. The small balls are not too sweet, slightly chocolatey and healthy, so everybody can eat them. I like healthy sweets which I can eat without any remorse.

The recipe comes from the book „Jeść zdrowiej" (Eat more healthy).

200g of tinned chickpeas
2 tablespoons of cocoa
5-6 tablespoons of maple syrup
60g of coconut oil
for decoration: cocoa, finely chopped nuts


When I put this extremely simply dessert on the table, my children said that it looks and tastes like the Easter cake which my sister makes. There is something in this because there is tahini in both of them. My dessert has traces of sesame, is not too sweet and looks beautiful. It doesn't need a lot of preparation, so it is excellent for Sunday afternoon. Lunch with dessert doesn't have to mean that a housewife works all day in the kitchen and after that she is so tired that she can't pick up a cup of coffee. If you serve the cake hot, add your favourite ice cream just after baking. Everybody will be delighted.

1 pack of chilled French pastry
50g of tahini
50g of white chocolate
3 sponge biscuits
seasonal fruit
2 tablespoons of milk
caster sugar


Salvia has many uses both in the pharmacy industry and in the kitchen. Salvia takes care of the skin, mitigates symptoms of the menopause, cures indigestion and fights infection. In the kitchen it is used as a seasoning for meat and for tomato and potato dishes. We like potato dumplings with salvia butter and Parmesan. Today I used salvia for the stuffing in dumplings.

Many people like traditional dumplings with meat, cottage cheese or fruit. Recently however, traditional stuffing has given way to some new and original combinations. You can use anything you like to stuff your dumplings. Today I took a chance and prepared some dumplings with a different stuffing. I used bulgur, courgette and salvia. I spiced up the delicate ingredients with chili pepper and salty goat cheese. The effect was surprising. The dumplings were excellent. They were great just after cooking, but they were even better fried the next day.

500g of flour
4 tablespoons of oil
250-300 ml of boiling water
a pinch of salt
1 courgette
100g of bulgur


I don't understand why it was so hot in June and every end-of-year school test was thus made doubly difficult. Now the holiday has started, the summer has turned away and is pretending not to be there. 12-15C and rain isn't the kind of weather which children and their parents like. I hope it is the only cold spell during this holiday.


To raise my children's spirits I prepared a mellow homemade budino. I made it with coconut and almond milk especially for my son who can't drink cow's milk. A yummy addition to the dish was blackcurrant confiture with a hint of orange.


Ingredients (for 2 people)


200ml of coconut milk

200ml of almond milk

100g of white chocolate

1 tablespoon of wheat flour

1 tablespoon of potato flour

1 teaspoon of vanilla essence


2 fistfuls of blackcurrants

the juice and the peel from half an orange

1 tablespoon of maple syrup


During the school year, every housewife has her own way to deal with the morning quickly, to make breakfast which doesn't take up too much time and which fills small bellies in an efficient and yummy way, allowing them to work for half a day. During the holiday things are different. We can be creative with the contents of the fridge and the question of who wants what for breakfast. But we should be careful with this question, and I think most parents know that. Maybe everybody wants something different, but the contents of the fridge aren't up to the job.

Today I would like to share with you the recipe for one of the best holiday breakfasts. I recommend buckwheat omelette, which without sophisticated ingredients is very tasty. You can enrich it with your favourite ingredients. Wee added ham, fresh pepper, chili pepper and onion.

3 eggs
50g of cooked buckwheat groats
half a red pepper
half a small onion
half a chili pepper
1 teaspoon of butter
3 big slices of ham
1 sprig of rosemary
oil for frying
salt and pepper

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