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godz. - 08:01

Tasty needn’t be complicated.


The question for today: What can be prepared with cold smoked salmon? In my fridge a tasty-looking fish quietly waits for its turn. I could put it on some bread with fresh cucumber or add it with eggs to a spinach salad but ... "it has already happened before". And it isn't true that it doesn't come back ;-). However, today it is time for something new. It is time to search for a new recipe. There's no doubt that whatever the results of this search, the salmon won't go uneaten.


This time the on-line Lidl cookery book came to my aid. I found a recipe for steak tartare with smoked salmon. It is not complicated and it is a very tasty dish. I think that it could be a proposal for fish for the Christmas Eve table, and for Christmassy traditionalists it could be a dish for supper on New Year's day.



200g of cold smoked salmon

1 spring onion

3 dill pickles

6 pickled mushrooms

1 small teaspoon of horseradish

2 tablespoons of olive oil

1 tablespoon of soy sauce

1 tablespoon of minced dill

salt and pepper


Mince the salmon. Dice the spring onion (both the white and green parts), the dill pickles and mushrooms. Mix them. Add the olive oil, soy sauce, horseradish and spice them up with salt and pepper. Mix once again. Leave in the fridge for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with minced dill before serving.


Enjoy your meal!

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