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godz. - 18:19

Afternoon tea with finger biscuits

domowy patchwork

When planning shopping and what to eat, I'm usually governed by the culinary tastes of my family, especially my children. The rest of my family eats and doesn't fuss, but grizzling children can effectively ruin the best family atmosphere. Fortunately, my children are used to eating different dishes and never put forth a firm veto at the table, but it is nice when they eat heartily and joyously.

Fortunately, though during cooking I rarely think about my own likes, both my family and I like most of my meals. It was the same this time. With my children in mind I prepared an extremely simple dessert using natural yoghurt and biscuits as basic ingredients. It was supposed to be for children. By default, though, I prepared a bit more and we were all able to relish it.

Ingredients (for 4 people)
400g of natural yoghurt
200g of finger biscuit
200g of raspberries
2 teaspoons of caster sugar

Put aside a few nice raspberries and four finger biscuits. Crush the rest of the raspberries with a fork and mix them with the caster sugar. Crush the finger biscuits and blend them with the natural yoghurt. Put the raspberry mousse and then the biscuit mixture into a cup. Decorate the top of the dessert with the raspberries and peppermint leaves.

Enjoy your meal!

Try also
Pomegranate – the fruit of life
Quick and simple dessert with mango
Blackberry meringues

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