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godz. - 10:11

Chocolate mousse with raspberries

domowy patchwork

There are certain combinations which always hold good. There are dishes which save us when surprise guests drop in. Chocolate mousse with raspberries, which always turns out well, doesn't need many sophisticated ingredients and you can make it with different kinds of fruit.


Ingredients (for two people):

150g of raspberries

1 teaspoon of caster sugar

100g of mascarpone cheese

100g of natural yoghurt

75g of dark chocolate

a few leaves of peppermint

Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and leave it to cool down slightly. Whip the mascarpone cheese and natural yoghurt to make a fluffy mass. Mix it in with the chocolate. Set aside a few of the most beautiful raspberries, and crush the rest with a fork. If they are too sour, add caster sugar and mix it in. Apply the raspberry mousse and then the chocolate mousse to a cup. Decorate the top of the dessert with the raspberries and peppermint leaves. Serve chilled.


Enjoy your meal!

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