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godz. - 23:24

Home-made kissel with red currants and gooseberries

domowy patchwork

When I was a child around my home there were a lot of red currant and gooseberry bushes. I never liked fresh fruit. I didn't like eating it and picking it was even worse. Now the bushes are only memories and I buy fruit at the market.

Currants are a rich source of ascorbic acid, and they enhance the immune system and blood system. Not too many people know that red currants increase the appetite, which makes them a good option for parents of fussy eaters. Red currants used as a mask are recommended for people with oily skin and acne problems.

I usually use currants for cakes. Today, however, I was reminded of a simple dessert from my childhood, which my mum often prepared. I made kissel with red currants and gooseberries for my children.

700g of red currants and gooseberries
6-8 tablespoons of sugar
2-3 tablespoons of potato flour


Wash the fruit and put it into a pan. Pour in 300-400 ml of water and boil until the fruit is soft. Blend the fruit. Add the sugar and stir until it has dissolved. Sieve the fruit mousse to make a smooth texture. Mix the potato flour with a bit of cold water. Boil the currant mousse and add the mixed potato flour, stirring constantly so it is not lumpy. Boil for a while. Pour the kissel into some glasses.

Enjoy your meal!

Try also:
On the Christmas table – Christmas Eve cranberry kissel
For the beginning of the holiday – home-made coconut-vanilla budino
Blackberry meringues


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