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godz. - 22:00

Breakfast pudding with quinoa


Quinoa, aka Peruvian rice, is a rich source of balanced protein, healthy fatty acids and many vitamins and minerals. In South America it is called the "holy grain of Inca" or "golden seeds of Inca". Quinoa contains saponins, thanks to which it is anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory, antimycotic and antiviral. Quinoa protein contains all essential amino acids, which our body can't make and we have to get from food. Typical grains are a poor source of them. Additionally, the protein content is high. Therefore, quinoa is an alternative to animal proteins and should be in your diet if you are vegetarian. (source of information

Today I would like to share with you the recipe for a healthy breakfast with quinoa. It is a swift dish, so you can make it even on a busy weekday morning. You only need to cook the quinoa the evening before.

100g of quinoa
1 banana
150ml of vegetarian milk
2 tablespoons of maple syrup
100g of blueberries
a handful of almond flakes

Rinse the quinoa. Put it into a saucepan and add 200ml of boiling water. Boil without stirring until the quinoa soaks up the water (about 10-15 minutes). Blend the quinoa, milk, banana and maple syrup. Put the quinoa pudding into some small bowls and decorate with the blueberries and almond flakes.

Enjoy your meal!

Try also
Millet groats breakfast
Buckwheat groats with courgette and pomegranate
Raspberry porridge


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