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godz. - 08:37

Toast with spinach and mozzarella cheese.


Gratineed toasties are one of my daughter's favourite dishes. Usually, I add ham, cheese, gherkins and onion and spice them up with curry powder. Recently, I have gone off ham, so today I added a filling without meat to the toasties. I combined spinach, dried tomatoes and walnuts, but without stretched cheese, toasties don't exist. I replaced ordinary cheese with mozzarella.

You may serve the toasties as a hot supper, or with beetroots or tomato sauce they can be an alternative to traditional soup.

10 slices of toast bread
2 tablespoons of butter
300g of spinach
3 cloves of garlic

4 dried tomatoes
200g of mozzarella cheese
6 walnuts
salt and pepper

Slice the garlic. Melt the butter in a pan, add the garlic and heat for 1 minute. Add the spinach and blanch lightly. Spice it up with salt and pepper. Add the minced walnuts, and cubed dried tomatoes. Mix them in and leave to cool down.
Slice the mozzarella cheese. Put the spinach and mozzarella cheese on five slices of bread. Cover with the rest of the bread. Toast in the toaster until they are golden and crunchy. Serve at once.

Enjoy your meal!

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