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godz. - 22:36

Don’t throw away bread – my salad with toast

domowy patchwork

I'm almost sure that everyone has at least once bought too much bread. Later we eat it without any pleasure, because we don't want to throw it away. We can turn rolls into breadcrumbs, but what about bread? If we have to buy a large amount of bread, we can freeze some of it and later take it out as and when needed. But if we have a little bread left over, we can make croutons and add them to soup or to salad.

Today I want to share with you a recipe for a light salad with croutons. I used ciabattas, which I often buy because we all like this type of breadstuff. We can also add some mozzarella cheese, feta cheese, bacon or Parma ham. This time I added cooked chickpeas.

Ingredients (for 2 people)
1 ciabatta
olive oil
2 tomatoes
a fistful of green olives
a fistful of black olives
a fistful of capers
half a red onion
basil leaves
3 tablespoons of olive oil
salt and pepper

Slice the ciabattas. Sprinkle the slices with olive oil, and spice them up with salt and thyme. Fry in a dry pan until they are golden.
Cut the tomatoes into smaller pieces. Slice the onion. Mix the tomatoes, olives, capers, onion and croutons in a bowl. Sprinkle with the olive oil and add salt and pepper and mix again. Decorate with the basil leaves. Serve at once.

Enjoy your meal!

Try also:
Simple salad with Brussels sprouts
Fruity salad with spinach and blue cheese
Beautiful on a plate – amazing salad with octopus


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