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godz. - 10:58

Salad with broad beans and dried tomatoes

domowy patchwork

The broad bean is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Seeds of this plant were found in archeological digs of Troy, the bronze age and the Middle Ages. It was an irreplaceable food for paupers – nourishing, cheap and easy to store. Today broad beans are eaten  in China, where it has been grown for 5,000 years. Half of the global crop comes from Chinese fields.


The broad bean is very valuable product for vegetarians because it contains a lot of protein, fibre, vitamins B1,B2, PP A and C.


Not many people know that in Egypt it was offered as a sacrifice for the dead (it was a sign of death) and was dedicated to happy couples who wanted a male heir.


We used to eat broad beans simply cooked in light salted water. This time I have added them to a salad. They taste fantastic with dried tomatoes and fresh cucumber.


Ingredients (for 2 people):

mixed lettuce

250g of broad beans

2 fresh cucumbers

6 dried tomatoes in olive oil

2 eggs

4 tablespoons of olive oil from dried tomatoes

handful of minced chives

Clean the broad beans and cook them in salted water. Put them in cold water and peel them. Hard boil the eggs and cut them into quarters. Slice the cucumbers and tomatoes. Mix the lettuce, broad beans, tomatoes and cucumbers on a plate. Sprinkle with the minced chives and the olive oil from the dried tomatoes.


Enjoy your meal!

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