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godz. - 11:15

Salad with lentils, feta cheese and fruits.

domowy patchwork

Today's recipe is for an amazing salad. In this dish everyone may find something for himself. This salad is equally soft and crunchy, juicy and mealy. Every bit brings a different expressive taste. Does it sound strange? Try it and see that it is possible.

The only obstacle you may face during the preparation of this salad is hulling the pomegranate stones. The biggest treasure of this fruit is the easily assimilable polyphenols belonging to antioxidants. A pomegranate has three times more of them than you may find in green tea or red wine. Additionally, due to the phytohormones content, the pomegranate softens the signs of PMS and menopause. Pomegranate, reckoned to be an aphrodisiac, has stones hidden under its hard skin and between its white membrane. We should roll the pomegranate on the table, slightly grinding it. Cut it into halves and rap with a wooden spoon on the skin so the stones fall out, or turn the halves inside out and delicately take the stones out.

The recipe comes from an online cookery book of Lidl.

250g green lentils
2 medium sticks of celery
1 small chili pepper
1 orange
1 grapefruit
1 pomegranate
200g of feta cheese
4 tablespoons of oil
2 tablespoons of orange juice
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
2 teaspoons of French mustard
1 tablespoon of honey
salt and pepper

Clean the lentils and boil for 20 minutes. Drain and leave to cool down. Slice the celery. Dice the chili pepper (without stones). Peel the citrus fruits, remove the skin and white membranes. Cut into small pieces. Hull the pomegranate stones. Cube the feta cheese. Mix all the ingredients in. Mix the dressing ingredients in and spice up with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle with the dressing and decorate with peppermint leaves before serving.

Enjoy your meal!

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