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godz. - 09:38

The light dinner

domowy patchwork

In my grandma's house supper was a must. If dinner was especially hearty or was served too late, when asked whether she wanted supper my grandmother replied, "Yes, but letką" (it means "light" supper, not too much and not too heavy). It is one of the warm "pictures" I have to remember my grandma.


Today's recipe is for letką supper – layered salad with tomatoes. It is worth making this in the summer when tomatoes smell like tomatoes and have a beautiful ripe colour.



2 tomatoes

1 egg

handful of minced chives

a couple of leaves of rocket

2 tablespoons of mayonnaise

1 teaspoon of natural yoghurt

1 garlic clove

salt and pepper

Hard boil the egg. Blanch the tomatoes and peel them. Slice the egg and tomatoes. Mince the garlic finely. Make a sauce from the mayonnaise, yoghurt and garlic. Lay out the slices of tomato and spice them up with salt and pepper. Put the slices of egg on top, sprinkle with chives and garlic sauce. Lay out the next layer of tomatoes, spice them up and sprinkle them with the rest of the sauce. Sprinkle with the chives and decorate with the rocket leaves.


Enjoy your meal!

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