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godz. - 19:34

Summer symbol – mild wild strawberries and stracciatella cream

domowy patchwork

Gardeners know that wild strawberry bushes can't grow and bear fruit near strawberries or raspberries. They like the company of lavender or chives. Maybe they know that next to strawberries and raspberries – the queens of the summer - they look inconspicuous. It is not true. We all know that there is nothing better than wild strawberries, garden-fresh in grandma's garden on a summer day.

Today I bought a small basket of fresh, ripe wild strawberries. This fruit doesn't keep for long, so you need to eat it fast. So I prepared a yummy dessert with wild strawberries. I didn't cook them, because they are so delicious fresh. We ate them fresh with stracciatella cream and almonds.

Ingredients (for 2 people)
200g of wild strawberries
100g of 30% sweet cream
100g of mascarpone cheese
100g of chocolate drops
2 teaspoons of caster sugar
a couple drops of vanilla essence
a couple of cantucini
a few almonds

Crush the cantucini and put them into some bowls. Whisk the sweet cream with the mascarpone and the caster sugar. Add the chocolate drops and mix them in. Put the cream onto the cantucini. Wash the wild strawberries and arrange them on the dessert. Decorate with some peppermint leaves and almonds.

Enjoy your meal!

Try also:
Halvah dessert with strawberries
Mini mango cheesecakes with pomegranate and blueberries
Disordered meringue-fruit dessert


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