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godz. - 22:34

Salad with grilled Belgian endives and strawberry salsa

domowy patchwork

During the weekends I usually cook more traditional dishes, because my children like eating some meat for dinner. When they eat lunch at school, my husband and I prefer to avoid meat. We like salad, groats, vegetables and fruit smoothies. Additionally, the summer heat doesn't encourage us to eat a lot of meat. Sometimes, more for flavour than for need, I sneak in a meat ingredient.

I rarely add fried bacon to salad. Today I did so and it was a great choice. Crunchy slices of bacon are excellent with grilled Belgian endives and spicy strawberry salsa. Maybe the fried bacon will be an incentive for those who prefer meat dishes. Up to now I have used Belgian endives as a kind of lettuce and to add a bit of crunchiness to salads. Today I used it in a different way and I have to say it was very tasty.

Ingredients (for 2 people)
2 Belgian endives
8 thin slices of bacon
8 strawberries
half a chili pepper
2 tablespoons of minced basil leaves
¼ of an onion
2 tablespoons of chopped cashew nuts
1 teaspoon of honey
2 tablespoons of lemon juice

Start by preparing the salsa. Wash the strawberries, remove the shanks and cube them. Dice the onion and chili pepper. Mix the strawberries with the onion, chili pepper, basil and nuts. Spice it up with the honey and lemon juice. Leave in the fridge for half an hour. Fry the slices of bacon in a dry pan until they are golden and crunchy. Cut the Belgian endives into quarters and remove the bitter middle. Smooth them with oil and grill until they have nice brown stripes. Arrange the grilled Belgian endives, slices of bacon and strawberry salsa on a plate. Decorate with the cashew nuts and basil leaves.

Enjoy your meal!

Try also
Salad with roasted beetroots and goat cheese.
Fruit salad with salmon and mozzarella cheese
A little colourful snack

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