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godz. - 13:41

Holiday watermelon drink


Alcoholic drinks definitely taste better with friends. We like beer during barbecues with the family, and we drink wine with our friends on holiday. After all, holidays are not only for children. After a day full of sightseeing and sunbathing, we usually drink local wine or we prepare holiday drinks.

In Italy we prepared drinks with our beloved Aperol. It could be classical Aperol Spritz, but you can also add it to other fruit drinks. Today I would like to share with you the recipe for a light holiday drink. I made it up as I went along, so I will just give you the ingredients without ratios. Add as many ingredients as you need for it to be as strong and sweet as you like. I usually add very cold watermelon to this drink. I don't like ice cubes because they thin the drink. You can add frozen pieces of orange or frozen grapes to cool down your drink.

watermelon (without the skin and stones)
lemon juice
orange juice
sparkling water (or other drink with gas)

Blend the watermelon (from the fridge) without the skin and stones with lemon and orange juice. Add Aperol and sparkling water. Stir.

Enjoy your drink!


Try also:
Yellow yoghurt, i.e. my mango lassi
Aperol Spritz – Italian holiday memories
Perfect for roasting hot days


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